Monday, June 21, 2010

Lie Clock

Rabri Devi went to heaven (Don't Laugh).
As she stood in front of yamraj , she saw a huge wall of clocks behind.

GOD is Great

A teacher, a garbage collector and a lawyer would up at the Gates of Heaven. God informed them that in order to get inside, they would each have to answer one question.

Other Voice of World Initiatives

Voice of World is our initiative to collect different voices of this world. These voices can be anything starting for as small as jokes, word of wisdom or more serious one like voices for those people who need helping hand or as radical as voices against oppression.
However we observed that there are other Voice of World initiatives on the internet. We are listing these here just to ensure that in case you were looking for those initiatives and landed on our site because of internet search then you can reach appropriate destination. - Blind School - The Voice of World Endoscopy - Project to connect children in Europe using their voice and their own language

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